Go ahead

This is a fleet list

Fleet Number / Reg Type Livery Branding Special features Name Previous reg In Service
Stagecoach Hybrid
Hybrid Buses For Oxford USB-A 12008 *SPARE BUS* OU10 GGV Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
*SPARE BUS 2* SP4S BU5 Dennis Dart SLF Alexander ALX200
The Big Lemon
I used to be a fucking lemon FUCKING LEMON LE0N LEM Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
690 OU71 WZC Ford Transit Minibus
Arriva eco old
Shuttle bus for all USB-A, Seat Belt 2-0 Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
1 G729 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Midland Red
AKA VIG 2664 VIG 2664 VIG 2664 Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
1 LX01 YTF Dennis Dart MPD Alexander ALX200
Arriva London Interurban
BW1 Woodford to Byfield every hour every day Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
2 KX03 HHG Optare Solo
HINTON CIRCULAR EVERY 45 MINUTES Seat Belt MANNY Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
2 PO11 BBZ ADL/TransBus Enviro300
Stagecoach Beachball
This bus used to be going to Oxford Daily, now look at it. USB-A BBZ Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
3 OU62 BKZ ADL Enviro200
USB-A Tony Ford Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
4 PO11 BBZ ADL Enviro300
Stagecoach Local
B6 WOODFORD TO BANBURY EVERY 45 MINUTES USB-A Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
5 OU61 AVL Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Stagecoach Gold
Luxury Comfort on all routes! USB-A, Power sockets Breaker Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
6 KV53 EZN Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Stagecoach Beachball
HINTON CIRCULAR EVERY 45 MINUTES EZ Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
7 GSZ 1882 DAF DB250 Alexander ALX400
Woodford circular, Fast and Frequent USB-A, Seat Belt 121 Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
8 KX12 AMU Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Stagecoach Distance
MW1, Moreton Pinkney and surrounding villages USB-A, Power sockets AMMO Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
9 KX06 JYB Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Stagecoach Beachball
DW1 Woodford to Daventry JEBB Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
10 R385 LGH Volvo Olympian Northern Counties Palatine 2
Express Connex Coaches White (Old)
Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
25 T665 KPU Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Stagecoach Stripes
This bus is really nice I swear Jessica N25 POY Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
40 KX06 JYB Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400
Go North West base
Historical tour round town USB-A, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
41 ML54 THG DAF DB250 East Lancs Myllenium Lowlander
Historical tour round town USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
42 LM74 UUI ADL Enviro400EV
Go North West base
Green buses for historical tour USB-A, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
43 OJZ 6889 Volvo B7TL Plaxton President
Go North West old
Historic Northampton Tour Power sockets SN51 RGH Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
45 HF55 JLK DAF DB250 Alexander ALX400
Go North East Easy Access
Historical tour round town USB-A, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
45 KX01 KHP MAN 18.240LF Alexander ALX300
National Express Blue Stripe
78 WESTON FAVELL IN STYLE WITH MIDLANDS XPRESS Morris the MAN Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
97 NK06 TRY Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Go North West driver trainer
Training Please give space Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
98 KX04 RTP Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Go North West driver trainer
Training Please give space Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
99 KX03 YNH MAN 18.240LF Alexander ALX300
Go North West driver trainer
Training Please give space Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
100 KX57 RTH ADL Enviro200
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
101 YN09 OPK VDL DB300 Wright Gemini 2
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
102 KP62 UHT ADL Enviro400
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Power sockets, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
103 LM74 UUY ADL Enviro400EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
104 LM74 UUT ADL Enviro400EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
105 SK64 HDG Optare MetroDecker
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
106 KHJ 8076 Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Go North West
I'm Helping out Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
107 KL09 YTH Dart SLF MCV Evolution
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
108 SN74 UOI ADL Enviro200EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
109 SN74 UIP ADL Enviro200EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
110 SN74 UII ADL Enviro200EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
111 SK65 IOK Optare Versa
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton USB-A, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
113 T113 EV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2 EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements KV53 EZN Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
113 VB65 NHG Optare Versa
Go North West
Better buses for Northampton Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
115 T115 EV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2 EV
Green buses for Northampton USB-A, Wifi, Announcements KX56 KGZ Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
116 YX74 KLM ADL Enviro200 MMC
Swindon adapted
Northampton Park and ride USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
117 YX74 GHK ADL Enviro200 MMC
Zzz Bus by Avaline
Northampton Park and ride USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
118 YX73 OPU ADL Enviro400 MMC
Zzz Bus by Avaline
Northampton Park and ride USB-A, Power sockets, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
119 YX73 YHU ADL Enviro400 MMC
Zzz Bus by Avaline
Northampton Park and ride USB-A, Power sockets, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
120 SK70 ODY Volvo B5TL ADL Enviro400 MMC
Zzz Bus by Avaline
100 Years of Northampton buses USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
121 YV57 UHG VDL/DAF DB250 Wright Pulsar Gemini
Go North West
Historical tour round town USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Northampton Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
121 N967 PGP Volvo B10M Alexander PS
Airlink (promo)
134 X867 YYS Dennis Trident Plaxton President
The Oxford bus company
Sorry for my appearance, I'm going to be preserved soon! USB-A, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements PRESI X900 OXF Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
160 KX04 OBA Dennis Dart Plaxton Pointer 2
LWBuses Standard
78 WESTON FAVELL IN STYLE WITH MIDLANDS XPRESS USB-A, Power sockets Dennis the Dart DD-868-DDA Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
190 KN64 ICT ADL Enviro400
National Express West Midlands 74
43 Banbury every 30 minutes USB-A, Power sockets ITC Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
191 KN64 ITA ADL Enviro400
National Express West Midlands 74
43 Banbury every 30 minutes p I s s o f f Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
256 SK63 AUR ADL Enviro400
Stagecoach Triangle
This bus is taking average 70 cars off the road USB-A AURA Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
293 YX20 KKJ Scania K360EB6 Caetano Levante 2
National Express Blue Stripe
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, Power sockets, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt Dave Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
340 YX74 XRD ADL Enviro400EV
Hams Travels Gold and Black
Black Lives Matter USB-A, Power sockets, Wifi, Announcements George Floyd DD-868-DDA Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
400 YX70 CVC Volvo B11RLET Plaxton Panorama
Zzz Bus by Avaline
700 Cambridge in style with Midlands Xpress USB-A, Power sockets, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Other Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
666 YX65 RNO ADL Enviro200 Facelift
Northampton heritage, UNŌ Forever USB-A, Wifi 525 Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
1000 SK13 GAA Wright StreetLite DF
Go North West old
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1001 SK13 GAB Wright StreetLite DF
Go North West old
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1002 SK13 GAC Wright StreetLite DF
Go North West old
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1003 SN65 VST ADL Enviro400
Go North West
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1004 SN65 VSU ADL Enviro400
Go North West
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1005 SN65 VUV ADL Enviro400
Go North West
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1006 SN65 VUW ADL Enviro400
Go North West
Rugby bus company USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1007 MX69 POD ADL Enviro200 MMC
Go North West
USB-A, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1008 MX69 POE ADL Enviro200 MMC
Go North West
USB-A, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1009 MX69 POF ADL Enviro200 MMC
Go North West
USB-A, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1011 PX54 HTV Dennis Dart Plaxton Pointer 2
Stagecoach Beachball Blue Stripe
Rugby bus company Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1012 MK02 EFW Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400
Stagecoach Stripes
Oggie Bus 193 Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1013 N213 TDU Volvo B10M Alexander PS
Stagecoach Stripes
Rugby bus company OLDY Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1014 VIG 2664 Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Hunters coaches (Daventry)
Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1100 YX74 POK Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X1 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1101 YX74 POL Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X1 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1102 YX74 POM Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X2 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1103 YX74 PON Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X2 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1104 YX74 POO Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X3 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1105 YX74 POP Van Hool TDX29 Astromega
Go North East
X3 USB-A, Bicycle spaces, Seat Belt, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
1106 OU10 DCV Van Hool TDX25 Astromega
Oxford Tube
X3 USB-A, Wifi, Announcements Rugby Bus Company ✔️ Flickr Edit
36767 OU62 BYL ADL Enviro200
Stagecoach Beachball
W1 Woodford and Daventry every hour USB-A Absolute Beast Of A Bus Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
37401 YX65 PXS ADL Enviro200 MMC
Midland Red
W1 Woodford and Daventry Every hour USB-A Midland Red Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
FR1 SK72 KHC Ford Transit
FLEET MAINTENANCE TEAM Seat Belt Tom Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit
RECOVERY 1 KX10 DDV Scania R-450 V8 wrecker
ENGINEERING VEHICLE Seat Belt WROCKY Midlands Xpress ✔️ Flickr Edit
ENGINEERING SUPPORT VEHICLE Seat Belt WRECKER MAN Woodford Village Hopper ✔️ Flickr Edit

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1