First Midcounties

This is a fleet list

Fleet Number / Reg Type Livery Branding Special features Name Depot Operator Name In Service
0 LF01 POK Volvo B10M Jonckheere Mistral
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
1 LF02 HGF Volvo B10M Jonckheere Mistral
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
2 LF02 JXC Volvo B10M Jonckheere Mistral
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
3 LF02 TYP Volvo B10M Jonckheere Mistral
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
4 YX05 LOA Volvo B9R Caetano Levante
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
5 YX05 LOB Volvo B9R Caetano Levante
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
6 YX05 LOC Volvo B9R Caetano Levante
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
7 YX05 LOD Volvo B9R Caetano Levante
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
8 SN60 KNA Van Hool TDX25 Astromega
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
9 SN60 KNB Van Hool TDX25 Astromega
Geoff amos coach
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
10 SK08 IKA MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
11 SK08 IKB MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
12 SK08 IKC MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
13 SK08 IKD MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
14 SK08 IKE MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
15 SK08 IKF MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
16 SK08 IKG MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
17 SK08 IKH MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
18 SK08 IKI MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
19 SK08 IKJ MAN 18.240LF ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
20 OE57 LDA Optare Versa
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
21 OE57 LDB Optare Versa
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
22 OE57 LDC Optare Versa
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
23 OE57 LDD Optare Versa
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
24 OE57 LDE Optare Versa
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
25 WX07 JKM Scania K230UB Wright Solar
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
26 WX07 JKN Scania K230UB Wright Solar
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
27 WX07 JKO Scania K230UB Wright Solar
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
28 WX07 JKP Scania K230UB Wright Solar
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
29 WX07 JKQ Scania K230UB Wright Solar
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
30 KN61 UOA Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
31 KN61 UOB Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
32 KN61 UOC Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
33 KN61 UOD Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
34 KN61 OUE Scania K230UB ADL Enviro300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
35 P335 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
36 P336 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
37 P337 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
38 P338 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
39 P339 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
40 P340 PUV Volvo B10BLE Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
41 KX50 YOA MAN 14.240LF Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
42 KX50 YOB MAN 14.240LF Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
43 KX50 YOC MAN 14.240LF Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
44 KX51 ANA MAN 18.240LF Alexander ALX300
Geoff amos
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
45 YC51 OPT Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
46 YC51 HOP Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
47 YC51 HAL Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
48 YC51 HAY Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
49 YC51 HAE Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
50 YC51 HAO Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
51 YC51 HAA Optare Solo
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
52 AM05 JOS MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
53 AM05 BET MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
54 AM05 BUS MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
55 AM05 GAB MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
56 AM05 MAS MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
57 AM05 BAS MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
58 AM05 POS MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
59 AM05 TOF MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
60 AM05 YHO MAN 14.440 MCV Evolution
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
61 HIL 6810 Optare Excel
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
62 HIL 6811 Optare Excel
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
63 HIL 6812 Optare Excel
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
64 HIL 6813 Optare Excel
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
65 HIL 6814 Optare Excel
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
66 P256 KJL Dennis Dart Wright Handybus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
67 P247 JKL Dennis Dart Wright Handybus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
68 P423 MJK Dennis Dart Wright Handybus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
69 P498 PGH Volvo B6 Alexander Dash
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
70 P465 PHF Volvo B6 Alexander Dash
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
71 SK52 USS Transbus Enviro 300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
72 SK52 UST Transbus Enviro 300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
74 SK52 USU Transbus Enviro 300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
75 SK52 USV Transbus Enviro 300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
76 L404 BFX Dennis Lance Wright Pathfinder
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
77 L405 BFX Dennis Lance Wright Pathfinder
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
78 L406 BFX Dennis Lance Wright Pathfinder
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
79 L407 BFX Dennis Lance Wright Pathfinder
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
80 SN55 HSF ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
81 SN55 HSD ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
82 SN55 HSG ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
83 SN55 HSR ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
84 SN55 HSS ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
85 SN55 HST ADL Enviro300
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
86 S725 KNV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
87 S726 KNV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
88 S727 KNV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
89 S728 KNV Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
90 TBZ 5793 Dennis Dart SLF Marshall Capital
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
91 P694 UBD Dennis Dart SLF Marshall Capital
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
92 P695 UBD Dennis Dart SLF Marshall Capital
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
93 X193 FOR Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
94 X194 FOR Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
95 X195 FOR Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
96 X196 FOR Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus
Geoff Amos yellow
97 X197 FOR Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus
Geoff Amos yellow
98 W208 DNO Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
99 W209 DNO Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
100 G800 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
101 G801 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Geoff Amos yellow
102 G802 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
103 A684 KDV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
104 A745 AKV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
105 F845 ENV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
106 F846 ENV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
107 F847 ENV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
108 F848 ENV Leyland Titan
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
109 G729 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
110 G730 TBD Northern Counties Volvo Olympian Palatine 1
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
111 LX51 POC Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
112 LX51 POD Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
113 LX51 POE Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
114 LX51 POF Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
115 LX02 ACH Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
116 LX02 ACI Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
117 LX02 ACJ Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
118 LX02 ACK Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
119 LX02 ACL Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
120 LX02 AHM Dennis Trident Plaxton President
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
121 MX56 TEA ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
122 MX56 TEB ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
123 MX56 TEC ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
124 MX56 TED ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
125 MX56 TEE ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
126 SK56 MMA Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
127 SK56 MMB Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
128 SK56 MMC Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
129 SK06 MMD Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
130 SK06 MME Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
131 YC58 MSA Dennis Trident Optare Olympus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
132 YC58 MSB Dennis Trident Optare Olympus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
133 YC58 MSC Dennis Trident Optare Olympus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
134 YC58 MSD Dennis Trident Optare Olympus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
135 YC58 MSE Dennis Trident Optare Olympus
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
136 MX10 JGD Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
137 MX10 JGE Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
138 MX10 JGF Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
139 MX10 JGG Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
140 MX10 JGH Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
141 MX10 JGI Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
142 MX10 JGJ Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
143 MX10 JGK Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
144 MX10 JGM Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
145 MX10 JGN Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
146 YX15 LMA ADL Enviro400 MMC
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
147 YX15 LMB ADL Enviro400 MMC
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
148 YX15 LMC ADL Enviro400 MMC
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
149 YX15 LMD ADL Enviro400 MMC
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
150 YX15 LME ADL Enviro400 MMC
Geoff Amos yellow
Geoff amos ✔️ Flickr Edit
20324 YN57 BVX Volvo B7R Plaxton Profile
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, Power sockets Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
20325 YN57 BVY Volvo B7R Plaxton Profile
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, Power sockets Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
20612 LK07 CDF Volvo B9R Plaxton Panther
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, USB-C Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
20613 LK07 CDN Volvo B9R Plaxton Panther
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, USB-C Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
20806 YX11 HPO Volvo B9R Plaxton Panther 2
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, USB-C, Tables Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
23701 YT61 GRU VDL SBR4000 Berkhof Axial 100
First | York Electric
Banbury to Heathrow every 30 minutes USB-A, Power sockets Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
33658 SN12 ADX ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33659 SN12 ADZ ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33660 SN12 AEA ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33661 SN12 AEB ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33662 SN12 AEC ADL Enviro400
Oxford Retro
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33663 SN12 AED ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33664 SN12 AEF ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33665 SN12 AEG ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33666 SN12 AEJ ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33667 SN12 AEK ADL Enviro400
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33948 YX66 WFA ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33949 YX66 WFB ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33950 YX66 WFC ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33952 SN65 ZCA ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33953 SN65 ZCE ADL Enviro400 MMC
Macmillan Cancer Support
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33954 SN65 ZCF ADL Enviro400 MMC
Lilac Front Olympia
The Kidlington Flyer USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33955 SN65 ZCJ ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
33956 SN65 ZCT ADL Enviro400 MMC
Oxford USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36311 BL14 LTA Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini 2
Red Front Urban
The Blackbird Flyer USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36312 BL14 LTE Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini 2
Red Front Urban
The Blackbird Flyer USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36313 BL14 LTF Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini 2
Red Front Urban
The Blackbird Flyer USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36314 BL14 LTJ Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini 2
Red Front Urban
The Blackbird Flyer USB-A First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36618 BN24 ZWE Wright StreetDeck Electroliner
Coiltrick Oxford Electric
Oxford USB-A, USB-C, Announcements First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36619 BN24 ZWF Wright StreetDeck Electroliner
Coiltrick Oxford Electric
Oxford USB-A, USB-C, Announcements First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
36620 BN24 ZWG Wright StreetDeck Electroliner
Coiltrick Oxford Electric
Oxford USB-A, USB-C, Announcements First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
37037 YJ06 XLC Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Darker Orange Front Urban
Banbury/Easington P&R Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
37057 YJ06 XMH Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Darker Orange Front Urban
Banbury/Easington P&R Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
37059 YJ06 XML Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39133 SN62 AWA ADL Enviro400
First supporting Pride
Banbury Supporting pride Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39134 SN62 AWF ADL Enviro400
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39135 SN62 AWG ADL Enviro400
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39137 SN62 AWO ADL Enviro400
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39138 SN62 AWR ADL Enviro400
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39139 SN62 AWY ADL Enviro400
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39140 SN62 AXB ADL Enviro400
Orange Front Olympia
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
39141 SN62 AXC ADL Enviro400
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44640 SK15 GXY ADL Enviro200
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44641 SK15 LKA ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44642 SK15 LKD ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44643 SK15 LKE ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44644 ADN JE4 ADL Enviro200
Midland Red
Banbury Adrian J Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44645 SK15 LKG ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44646 SK15 LKI ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44647 SK15 LKK ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44648 SK15 LKL ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44649 SK15 LKM ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
44650 SK15 LKO ADL Enviro200
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53207 CN07 KZK Optare Solo
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53525 YJ07 EJF Optare Solo
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53527 YJ07 EHR Optare Solo
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53601 YJ14 BKA Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53602 YJ14 BKD Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53603 YJ14 BKE Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53604 YJ14 BKF Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53605 YJ14 BKG Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53606 YJ14 BKK Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53607 YJ14 BKL Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53608 YJ14 BKN Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53609 YJ14 BKO Optare Solo SR
Urban Shuttle
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
53701 LK05 DYO Optare Solo
First | York Electric
Banbury USB-A, USB-C, Announcements Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
63350 SM65 WMW Wright StreetLite DF
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
63351 SM65 WMX Wright StreetLite DF
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
63352 SM65 WMY Wright StreetLite DF
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
63353 SM65 WMZ Wright StreetLite DF
Oxford First Oxford ✔️ Flickr Edit
69500 BJ10 VGA Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
69501 BJ10 VGD Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
69502 BJ10 VGC Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
69503 BJ10 VGE Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
69504 BJ10 VGF Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
69505 BJ10 VGG Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 2
First | York Electric
Banbury Banbury First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
TRAINING1 KP51 WBZ Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
Olympia Driver Training
Driver training Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
TRAINING2 SV07 EHB Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse
Olympia Driver Training
Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit
TRAINING3 LT02 NWC Dennis Trident Plaxton President
First Driver Training
Driver training Weeping cross First Banbury Ox ✔️ Flickr Edit

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1