66 - Wolverhampton - Bilston - The Lunt - Willenhall - Ashmore Lake - Ashmore Park

A bus service operated by Midlands Transport Northern

Wolverhampton To Ashmore Park

Wolverhampton Bus Station (Stand C) 07:00                               18:00 20:00
Blakenhall, adjacent to Derry St 07:03                              18:03 20:03
Blakenhall, adjacent to Silver Birch Rd 07:04                              18:04 20:04
Rough Hills, adjacent to Rowan Tree Drive 07:06                              18:06 20:06
Parkfield, adjacent to Thompson Avenue 07:06                              18:06 20:06
Rough Hills, opposite The Red Lion 07:07                              18:07 20:07
Rough Hills, adjacent to Craven St 07:08                              18:08 20:08
Ettingshall Rd (adj) 07:09                              18:09 20:09
Bilston, adjacent to Chem Rd 07:10                              18:10 20:10
Bilston, adjacent to Hickman Rd 07:11                              18:11 20:11
Bilston, opposite Shale St 07:12                              18:12 20:12
Priestfield, adjacent to Merstone Close 07:13                              18:12 20:12
Priestfield, adjacent to Bilston Cemetery 07:14                              18:14 20:14
Bilston College (adj) 07:15                              18:15 20:15
Bilston, adjacent to Prouds Lane 07:16                              18:16 20:16
Bilston Bus Station (Stand D) 07:20                              18:20 20:20
Bilston, opposite Police Station 07:21                              18:21                             
St Chads, opposite Ashley St 07:22                              18:22                             
St Chads, adjacent to Bunkers Hill Lane 07:22                              18:22                             
St Chads, adjacent to Poplar Rd 07:23                              18:23                             
St Chads Rd (opposite) 07:23                              18:23                             
The Lunt, after Darlaston Lane 07:24    Every 60 Mins    18:24                             
The Lunt, opposite St Chads Rd 07:24           Untill           18:24                             
Bilston War Memorial (Stop BA) 07:25                              18:25                             
Bilston, after Wellington Road 07:25                              18:25                             
St Chads, adjacent to Wassell Rd 07:27                              18:27                             
Stowlawn, opposite Cumberland Rd 07:28                              18:28                             
Stowlawn, adjacent to Green Lanes 07:28                              18:28                             
Stowlawn, before Moseley Rd 07:29                              18:29                             
Stowlawn, adjacent to Alcester Drive 07:29                              18:29                             
Stowlawn, adjacent to Uplands Rd 07:30                              18:30                             
Portobello, opposite Noose Lane 07:32                              18:32                             
Portobello Island (before) 07:33                              18:33                             
Willenhall, adjacent to Summer St 07:34                              18:34                             
Little London, opposite St Stephens Avenue 07:35                              18:35                             
Little London, before Harper St 07:36                              18:36                             
Little London, opposite Granville St 07:37                              18:37                             
Spring Bank, adjacent to Clothier St 07:38                              18:37                             
Ashmore Lake Cross Keys Inn (adjacent) 07:39                              18:39                             
Ashmore Lake, opposite Spring Lane 07:40                              18:40                             
March End, after Broad Lane South 07:40                              18:40                             
Ashmore Park, before Lichfield Rd 07:40                              18:40                             
Ashmore Park, opposite Castlebridge Gardens 07:40                              18:50                             

Ashmore Park To Wolverhampton

Ashmore Park, opposite Castlebridge Gardens 08:00                              19:00                             
Ashmore Park, after Lichfield Rd 08:01                              19:01                             
March End, before Broad Lane South 08:02                              19:02                             
Ashmore Lake, adjacent Spring Lane 08:03                              19:03                             
Ashmore Lake Cross Keys Inn (opposite) 08:03                              19:03                             
Spring Bank, opposite to Clothier St 08:04                              19:04                             
Little London, adjacent Granville St 08:05                              19:05                             
Little London, after Harper St 08:06                              19:06                             
Little London, adjacent St Stephens Avenue 08:06                              19:06                             
Willenhall, opposite to Summer St 08:07                              19:07                             
Portobello Island (after) 08:07                              19:07                             
Portobello, adjacent Noose Lane 08:09                              19:09                             
Stowlawn, opposite to Uplands Rd 08:10                              19:10                             
Stowlawn, opposite to Alcester Drive 08:10                              19:10                             
Stowlawn, after Moseley Rd 08:11                              19:11                             
Stowlawn, opposite to Green Lanes 08:11                              19:11                             
Stowlawn, adjacent Cumberland Rd 08:12                              19:12                             
St Chads, opposite to Wassell Rd 08:13                              19:13                             
Bilston, before Wellington Road 08:13                              19:13                             
Bilston War Memorial (Stop BB) 08:15                              19:15                             
The Lunt, adjacent St Chads Rd 08:17                              19:17                             
The Lunt, before Darlaston Lane 08:17   Every 60 Mins    19:17                             
St Chads Rd (adjacent) 08:19           Untill           19:19                             
St Chads, opposite to Poplar Rd 08:19                              19:19                             
St Chads, opposite to Bunkers Hill Lane 08:20                              19:20                             
St Chads, adjacent Ashley St 08:20                              19:20                             
Bilston, adjacent Police Station 08:21                              19:21                             
Bilston Bus Station (Stand D) 08:25                              19:25 20:40
Bilston, opposite to Prouds Lane 08:27                              19:27 20:41
Bilston College (opposite) 08:28                              19:28 20:42
Priestfield, opposite to Bilston Cemetery 08:29                              19:29 20:43
Priestfield, oppositeto Merstone Close 08:30                              19:30 20:44
Bilston, adjacent Shale St 08:31                              19:31 20:45
Bilston, opposite to Hickman Rd 08:31                              19:31 20:46
Bilston, opposite to Chem Rd 08:32                              19:32 20:47
Ettingshall Rd (opp) 08:32                              19:32 20:48
Rough Hills, opposite to Craven St 08:33                              19:33 20:49
Rough Hills, adjacent The Red Lion 08:33                              19:33 20:50
Parkfield, opposite to Thompson Avenue 08:34                              19:34 20:51
Rough Hills, opposite to Rowan Tree Drive 08:34                              19:34 20:52
Blakenhall, opposite to Silver Birch Rd 08:35                              19:35 20:53
Blakenhall, opposite to Derry St 08:36                              19:36 20:54
Wolverhampton Bus Station (Stand C) 08:40                              19:40 20:55

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1