83 - Redditch - Alvechurch - West Heath - Cotteridge - Birmingham

A bus service operated by South Midlands Transport

Redditch To Birmingham

Redditch Bus Station (Stand F) N/A
Redditch Hewell Road (Northbound) N/A
Redditch, opp Fishing Line Road N/A
Bordesley, adj Windsor Road N/A
Bordesley, adj Weights Lane N/A
Bordesley, adj Garage N/A
Bordesley, opp Well Brook Nursery N/A
Bordesley By-pass Island (Northbound) N/A
Rowney Green, adj Cobbs Barn Farm- Redditch Road N/A
Rowney Green, adj Lye Bridge N/A
Rowney Green, opp Top Cat Hotel N/A
Alvechurch, opp Lye Meadows N/A
Alvechurch, adj Swan Street N/A
Alvechurch, adj Red Lion N/A
Alvechurch, opp Old Rectory Lane N/A
Bittell Croft, adj Roberts Corner N/A
Arrowfield Top, opp Pestilence Lane N/A
Hopwood, opp Ash Lane N/A
Hopwood, opp Lea End Lane N/A
Hopwood, adj Grovely Farm N/A
Hopwood, adj Groveley Hall N/A
West Heath, adj The Crest N/A
West Heath, adj Man on the Moon N/A
West Heath, adj Sir Hiltons Rd N/A
West Heath, after Redhill Rd N/A
West Heath Hospital (opp) 06:40 07:40 08:40                              17:40 18:40 19:40
West Heath, adj Nesfield Close 06:40 07:40 08:40                              17:40 18:40 19:40
Wychall, adj Brassie Close 06:41 07:41 08:41                              17:41 18:41 19:41
Wychall, opp Dormie Close 06:42 07:42 08:42                              17:42 18:42 19:42
Wychall, adj Chip Close 06:43 07:43 08:43                              17:43 18:43 19:43
Wychall, adj Club View 06:44 07:44 08:44                              17:44 18:44 19:44
Wychall, opp Nortune Close 06:45 07:45 08:45                              17:45 18:45 19:45
Wychall, opp Meadow Hill Rd 06:46 07:46 08:46                              17:46 18:46 19:46
Cotteridge, opp Kings Norton Park 06:47 07:47 08:47                              17:47 18:47 19:47
Cotteridge Station Rd (Stop CA) 06:48 07:48 08:48                              17:48 18:48 19:48
Cotteridge Camp Lane (Stop CB) 06:49 07:49 08:49                              17:49 18:49 19:49
Cotteridge Kings Norton Station (Stop CC) 06:50 07:50 08:50                              17:50 18:50 19:50
Cotteridge Island (Stop CE) 06:50 07:50 08:50                              17:50 18:50 19:50
Cotteridge, adj Midland Rd 06:51 07:51 08:51                              17:51 18:51 19:51
Lifford, adj Breedon Rd 06:52 07:52 08:52                              17:52 18:52 19:52
Lifford, before Breedon Cross Bridge 06:52 07:52 08:52                              17:52 18:52 19:52
Lifford, opposite Fordhouse Lane 06:53 07:53 08:53                              17:53 18:53 19:53
Stirchley, adj Elm Tree Rd 06:54 07:54 08:54                              17:54 18:54 19:54
Stirchley, adj Bournville Lane 06:55 07:55 08:55                              17:55 18:55 19:55
Stirchley, before Umberslade Rd 06:56 07:56 08:56                              17:56 18:56 19:56
Selly Park, adj Warwards Lane 06:57 07:57 08:57                              17:57 18:57 19:57
Selly Park, opp Dogpool Lane 06:58 07:58 08:58                              17:58 18:58 19:58
Selly Park, opp Kitchener Rd 07:00 08:00 09:00                              18:00 19:00 20:00
Selly Park, adj Kensington Rd 07:00 08:00 09:00                              18:00 19:00 20:00
Selly Park, opp First Avenue 07:01 08:01 09:01                              18:01 19:01 20:01
Bournbrook, adj Upland Rd 07:02 08:02 09:02                              18:02 19:02 20:02
Cannon Hill Park, opp Nature Centre 07:03 08:03 09:03                              18:03 19:03 20:03
Cannon Hill Park, adj South Drive 07:04 08:04 09:04                              18:04 19:04 20:04
Cannon Hill Park, adj Priory Rd 07:05 08:05 09:05                              18:05 19:05 20:05
Cannon Hill Park, opposite Calthorpe Court 07:05 08:05 09:05                              18:05 19:05 20:05
Cannon Hill Park, opp Edward Rd 07:06 08:06 09:06                              18:06 19:06 20:06
Highgate Speedwell Rd (adjacent) 07:06 08:06 09:06                              18:06 19:06 20:06
Highgate, adj Bellevue 07:07 08:07 09:07                              18:07 19:07 20:07
Highgate, after Belgrave Interchange 07:09 08:09 09:09                              18:09 19:09 20:09
Lee Bank, before Rickman Drive 07:11 08:11 09:11                              18:11 19:11 20:11
Lee Bank, opp Wrentham St 07:12 08:12 09:12                              18:12 19:12 20:12
Lee Bank O2 Academy (Stop HF2) 07:13 08:13 09:13                              18:13 19:13 20:13
Birmingham Smallbrook Queensway (Stop NS7) 07:15 08:15 09:15                              18:15 19:15 20:15
Birmingham New St Station (Stop NS2) 07:16 08:16 09:16                              18:16 19:16 20:16
Birmingham Bus Mall (Stop MS8) 07:18 08:18 09:18                              18:18 19:18 20:18
Birmingham Old Square (Stop PQ8) 07:20 08:20 09:20                              18:20 19:20 20:20

Birmingham To Redditch

Birmingham Old Square (Stop PQ8) 07:00 08:00 09:00                              16:00 17:00 18:00
Birmingham Bus Mall (Stop MS16) 07:01 08:01 09:01                              16:01 17:01 18:01
Birmingham New St Station (Stop NS3) 07:03 08:03 09:03                              16:03 17:03 18:03
Lee Bank O2 Academy (Stop HF1) 07:06 08:06 09:06                              16:06 17:06 18:06
Lee Bank, adj Wrentham St 07:07 08:07 09:07                              16:07 17:07 18:07
Highgate, before Belgrave Interchange 07:09 08:09 09:09                              16:09 17:09 18:09
Highgate, opp Bellevue 07:11 08:11 09:11                              16:11 17:11 18:11
Highgate, after Speedwell Rd 07:13 08:13 09:13                              16:13 17:13 18:13
Cannon Hill Park, adj Edward Rd 07:13 08:13 09:13                              16:13 17:13 18:13
Cannon Hill Park Calthorpe Court (adjacent) 07:14 08:14 09:14                              16:14 17:14 18:14
Cannon Hill Park, after Priory Rd 07:16 08:16 09:16                              16:16 17:16 18:16
Cannon Hill Park, adj Nature Centre 07:17 08:17 09:17                              16:17 17:17 18:17
Bournbrook, opp Upland Rd 07:18 08:18 09:18                              16:18 17:18 18:18
Selly Park, adj First Avenue 07:18 08:18 09:18                              16:18 17:18 18:18
Selly Park, opp Kensington Rd 07:19 08:19 09:19                              16:19 17:19 18:19
Selly Park, adj Kitchener Rd 07:20 08:20 09:20                              16:20 17:20 18:20
Selly Park, adj Dogpool Lane 07:22 08:22 09:22                              16:22 17:22 18:22
Selly Park, opp Warwards Lane 07:23 08:23 09:23                              16:23 17:23 18:23
Stirchley, opp Umberslade Rd 07:24 08:24 09:24                              16:24 17:24 18:24
Stirchley, opp Hazelwell St 07:24 08:24 09:24                              16:24 17:24 18:24
Stirchley, opp Elm Tree Rd 07:25 08:25 09:25                              16:25 17:25 18:25
Lifford Fordhouse Lane (adjacent) 07:26 08:26 09:26                              16:26 17:26 18:26
Lifford, after Breedon Cross Bridge 07:27 08:27 09:27                              16:27 17:27 18:27
Lifford, opp Breedon Rd 07:28 08:28 09:28                              16:28 17:28 18:28
Cotteridge, opp Midland Rd 07:28 08:28 09:28                              16:28 17:28 18:28
Cotteridge Watford Rd (Stop CK) 07:29 08:29 09:29                              16:29 17:29 18:29
Cotteridge Kings Norton Station (Stop CA) 07:30 08:30 09:30                              16:30 17:30 18:30
Cotteridge Station Rd (Stop CQ) 07:30 08:30 09:30                              16:30 17:30 18:30
King’s Norton, after Westhill Road 07:31 08:31 09:31                              16:31 17:31 18:31
Wychall, adj Meadow Hill Rd 07:32 08:32 09:32                              16:32 17:32 18:32
Wychall, adj Nortune Close 07:32 08:32 09:32                              16:32 17:32 18:32
Wychall, opp Club View 07:33 08:33 09:33                              16:33 17:33 18:33
Wychall, opp Chip Close 07:34 08:34 09:34                              16:34 17:34 18:34
Wychall, adj Dormie Close 07:35 08:35 09:35                              16:35 17:35 18:35
Wychall, opp Brassie Close 07:36 08:36 09:36                              16:36 17:36 18:36
West Heath, opp Nesfield Close 07:36 08:36 09:36                              16:36 17:36 18:36
West Heath Hospital (adj) 07:37 08:37 09:37                              16:37 17:37 18:37
West Heath, after Rednal Rd 07:39 08:39 09:39                              16:39 17:39 18:39
West Heath, opposite Sir Hiltons Rd 07:41 08:41 09:41                              16:41 17:41 18:41
West Heath Redhill Rd (opposite) 07:42 08:42 09:42                              16:42 17:42 18:42
West Heath, opp The Crest 07:43 08:43 09:43                              16:43 17:43 18:43
Hopwood, opp Groveley Hall 07:44 08:44 09:44                              16:44 17:44 18:44
Hopwood, opp Grovely Farm 07:44 08:44 09:44                              16:44 17:44 18:44
Hopwood, adj Lea End Lane 07:45 08:45 09:45                              16:45 17:45 18:45
Hopwood, adj Ash Lane 07:46 08:46 09:46                              16:46 17:46 18:46
Arrowfield Top, adj Pestilence Lane 07:47 08:47 09:47                              16:47 17:47 18:47
Bittell Croft, opp Roberts Corner 07:48 08:48 09:48                              16:48 17:48 18:48
Alvechurch, adj Old Rectory Lane 07:49 08:49 09:49                              16:49 17:49 18:49
Alvechurch, adj The Square 07:51 08:51 09:51                              16:51 17:51 18:51
Alvechurch, opp Swan Street 07:51 08:51 09:51                              16:51 17:51 18:51
Alvechurch, adj Lye Meadows 07:52 08:52 09:52                              16:52 17:52 18:52
Rowney Green, adj The Holloway 07:52 08:52 09:52                              16:52 17:52 18:52
Rowney Green, opp Grange Lane 07:53 08:53 09:53                              16:53 17:53 18:53
Rowney Green, opp Cobb's Barn Farm 07:53 08:53 09:53                              16:53 17:53 18:53
Bordesley By-pass Island (Southbound) 07:54 08:54 09:54                              16:54 17:54 18:54
Bordesley, adj Well Brook Nursery 07:54 08:54 09:54                              16:54 17:54 18:54
Bordesley, opp Garage 07:55 08:55 09:55                              16:55 17:55 18:55
Bordesley, opp Weights Lane 07:56 08:56 09:56                              16:56 17:56 18:56
Bordesley, adj Abbey Stadium 07:56 08:56 09:56                              16:56 17:56 18:56
Bordesley, opp Windsor Road 07:57 08:57 09:57                              16:57 17:57 18:57
Redditch, adj Fishing Line Road 07:58 08:58 09:58                              16:58 17:58 18:58
Redditch Hewell Road (Southbound) 07:59 08:59 09:59                              16:59 17:59 18:59
Redditch Bus Station (Stand F) 08:00 09:00 10:00                              17:00 18:00 19:00

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1