6 - Stubington - Lee-on-solent - Port Solent

A bus service operated by Solent Buses

Stubington To Port Solent

Port Solent Cinema & Boardwalk 07:00 08:00    Every 60 Mins    18:00 19:00
Lee-on-solent West Point 07:31 08:31           Untill           18:31 19:31
Stubington Village Centre 07:50 08:50           Untill           18:50 19:50

Port Solent To Stubington

Stubington Village Centre 07:00 08:00    Every 60 Mins    18:00 19:00
Lee-on-solent West Point 07:19 08:19           Untill           18:19 19:19
Port Solent Cinema & Boardwalk 07:50 08:50           Untill           18:50 19:50

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1