Route 1 - Worthing - Selsey

A bus service operated by Congib travel

Worthing To Selsey

Worthing Steyne Gardens (S-bound) N/A
Worthing Marine Parade (Stop D)
Worthing, o/s The Lido
Worthing, opp August Place
Worthing, opp Queen's Road
Worthing, opp Heene Terrace
West Worthing, opp Seabright
West Worthing, opp Caversham Court
West Worthing, opp Marine Point
West Worthing, opp Marine Gardens
Goring by Sea, o/s Yacht Club
Goring by Sea Marine Crescent (W-bound)
Goring by Sea, opp Chelwood Avenue
South Ferring, adj Sea Lane Gardens
South Ferring, adj Little Twitten Recreation Ground
Ferring War Memorial (N-bound)
Ferring The Henty Arms (W-bound)
Ferring, opp Highdown Way
Ferring, adj Langbury Lane
Ferring Asda (inside)
East Preston, opp Roundstone Farm
East Preston, adj Saxon Close
East Preston, opp Arlington Crescent
East Preston, adj Preston Place
Rustington, opp Sheep Fold Avenue
East Preston, adj St Mary's Church
Rustington Hall (opp)
Rustington, adj Sea Avenue
Rustington, opp St Joseph's Church
Rustington, opp Ashwood Drive
Rustington, in Waitrose Car Park
Rustington, opp Shops
Rustington, opp The Grangeway
Rustington, adj Knightscroft Avenue
Rustington, adj Seafield Road
Rustington, adj Overstrand Avenue
Rustington, opp Harsfold Road
Rustington, opp Convalescent Home
Littlehampton, opp Swimming Centre
Littlehampton, Norfolk Gardens (N-bound)
Littlehampton South Terrace (W-bound)
Littlehampton, adj Banjo Road
Littlehampton Railway Station (opp)
Littlehampton, adj Arun Footbridge
Littlehampton, adj Riverside Industrial Estate
Climping, opp Caravan Park
Climping, opp The Oystercatcher
Middleton-on-Sea, adj Sea Lane
Middleton-on-Sea, opp The Byway
Flansham Park (opp)
Flansham, opp Pennyfields
Felpham, opp The Southdowns
Felpham, opp Firs Avenue
Felpham, opp Downview Road
Felpham Post Office (o/s)
Felpham, adj Vicarage Lane
Felpham Snooks Corner (W-bound)
Felpham, adj Butlins
Bognor Regis, adj Hotham Park
Bognor Regis, adj Town Hall
Bognor Regis Post Office (Stop O)
Bognor Regis High Street (Stop R)
Bognor Regis West Street (SW-bound)
Bognor Regis, opp Royal Norfolk Hotel
Aldwick Post Office (opp)
Aldwick, opp Princess Avenue
Aldwick King's Parade (W-bound)
Aldwick Silverston Avenue (S-bound)
Aldwick, opp Chawkmare Coppice
Aldwick, adj High Trees
Aldwick, opp Old Place
Aldwick, opp St Richard's Church
Rose Green, adj St Anthony's Church
Rose Green, opp Avisford Park
Aldwick, adj Library
Aldwick Pryors Lane (o/s 40)
Nyetimber, adj A'Becket's Avenue
Nyetimber Lane (opp 6)
Nyetimber, adj The Bear Inn
Nyetimber, opp Hook Lane
Sefter Bottom, opp Sefter Road
Lagness, adj Royal Oak
Runcton, adj Manor Nursery
Runcton, opp Merston Turn
Runcton, opp The Walnut Tree
North Mundham, opp Primary School
Hunston, asj Southover Way
Hunston, adj Recreation Ground
Hunston, opp Oak View
Hunston, opp Green Lane
Sidlesham Common, opp Lockgate Road
Sidlesham Common, adj The Anchor Inn
Sidlesham Common, opp Fletchers Estate
Sidlesham, opp May Close
Sidlesham, adj Manhood Lane
Sidlesham, opp Redgate Nursery
Sidlesham, adj Nature Reserve
Norton, adj Knight Fencing
Norton, opp Comptons Farm Shop
Norton, opp Coles Farm
Selsey Norton Corner (SW-bound)
Selsey, o/s Asda
Selsey, opp Golf Links Lane
Selsey, opp Police Station
Selsey, adj Manor Farm Court
Selsey, adj Royal British Legion
Selsey, opp The Academy
Selsey, adj Saddle Lane
Selsey Colt Street (NW-bound)
Selsey Old Farm Road (N-bound)
Selsey Spinney Close (W-bound)

Selsey To Worthing

Selsey Spinney Close (W-bound)
Selsey Old Farm Road (S-bound)
Selsey Colt Street (SE-bound)
Selsey, opp Saddle Lane
Selsey, opp Royal British Legion
Selsey, adj Police Station
Selsey, adj Golf Links Lane
Selsey, o/s Asda
Selsey Norton Corner (NE-bound)
Norton, adj Coles Farm
Norton, adj Comptons Farm Shop
Norton, opp Knights Fencing
Norton, opp Ferry Farm House
Sidlesham, opp Nature Reserve
Sidlesham, adj Redgate Nursery
Sidlesham, opp Manhood Lane
Sidlesham, adj May Close
Sidlesham, Common, adj Fletchers Estate
Sidlesham Common, opp The Anchor Inn
Sidlesham Common, adj Lockgate Road
Hunston, adj Green Lane
Hunston, adj Oak View
Hunston, adj Westlands Road
Hunston, adj The Spotted Cow
North Mundham, o/s Primary School
Runcton, adj The Walnut Tree
Runcton, adj Merston Turn
Muncton, opp Manor Nursery
Lagness, opp Royal Oak
Sefter Bottom, adj Sefter Road
Nyetimber, adj Hook Lane
Nyetimber, opp The Bear Inn
Nyetimber Lane (o/s 6)
Nyetimber, opp A'Becket's Avenue
Aldwick Pryors Lane (o/s 39)
Aldwick, opp Library
Rose Green, adj Avisford Park
Rose Green, opp St Anthony's Church
Aldwick, adj St Richard's Church
Aldwick, adj Old Place
Aldwick, opp High Trees
Aldwick, adj Chawkmare Coppice
Aldwick Silverston Avenue (N-bound)
Aldwick King's Parade (E-bound)
Aldwick, adj Princess Avenue
Aldwick Post Office (adj)
Bognor Regis, adj Royal Norfolk Hotel
Bognor Regis, opp Bognor Museum
Bognor Regis West Street (NE-bound)
Bognor Regis High Street (Stop C)
Bognor Regis, adj Den Avenue
Bognor Regis, opp Hotham Park
Felpham, opp Butlins
Felpham, adj Links Avenue
Felpham, opp Vicarage Lane
Felpham Post Office (opp)
Felpham, adj Downview Road
Felpham, adj Firs Avenue
Felpham, o/s The Southdowns
Flansham, adj Pennyfields
Flansham Park (adj)
Middleton-on-Sea, adj The Byway
Middleton-on-Sea, opp Sea Lane
Climping, adj The Oystercatcher
Climping, adj Caravan Park
Littlehampton, opp Riverside Industrial Estate
Littlehampton, opp Arun Footbridge
Littlehampton Railway Station (adj)
Littlehampton, opp Banjo Road
Littlehampton South Terrace (E-bound)
Littlehampton Norfolk Gardens (S-bound)
Littlehampton, o/s Swimming Centre
Rustington, o/s Convalescent Home
Rustington, adj Harsfold Road
Rustington, opp Overstrand Avenue
Rustington, opp Seafield Road
Rustington, opp Knightscroft Avenue
Rustington, opp The Grangeway
Rustington, adj Shops
Rustington, in Waitrose Car Park
Rustington, adj Ashwood Drive
Rustington, adj St Joseph's Church
Rustington, opp Sea Avenue
Rustington Hall (adj)
Rustington, adj Sheep Fold Avenue
Rustington, adj Station Road
East Preston, opp Preston Place
East Preston, adj Arlington Crescent
East Preston, opp Saxon Close
East Preston, adj Roundstone Farm
Ferring Asda (inside)
Ferring, opp Langbury Close
Ferring, adj Highdown Way
Ferring The Henty Arms (S-bound)
Ferring War Memorial (S-bound)
South Ferring, opp Little Twitten Recreation Ground
South Ferring, opp Sea Lane Gardens
Goring by Sea, adj Chelwood Avenue
Goring by Sea, opp Yacht Club
West Worthing, adj Marine Gardens
West Worthing, adj Marine Point
West Worthing, asj Caversham Court
West Worthing, adj Seabright
Worthing, adj Heene Terrace
Worthing, adj Queen's Road
Worthing, adj Augusta Place
Worthing, opp The Lido
Worthing Marine Parade (Stop G)
Worthing Steyne Gardens (S-bound)

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1