42 - City, Broadmarsh - St Ann's

A bus service operated by Nottingham City Transport Southwell

City, Broadmarsh To St Ann's

City, Broadmarsh Bus Station N/A                              
Southwell Park N/A                             
Mansfield Street N/A                             
The Inn N/A    Every Mins   
Ladies Road N/A           Untill          
Spence Lane N/A                             
Queens Road N/A                             
Bottesford Road N/A                             
Morringham Drive
St Ann's, Southwell Academy

St Ann's To City, Broadmarsh

St Ann's Southwell Academy N/A                             
Burton Street Inval Inval
Spence Lane Inval Inval
Ladies Road Inval Inval
The Inn Inval Inval
Mansfield Street Inval Inval
Southwell Park Inval Inval
City, Broadmarsh Bus Station Inval Inval

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1