46 - City, Broadmarsh - Lambley

A bus service operated by Nottingham City Transport Southwell

City, Broadmarsh To Lambley

City, Broadmarsh Bus Station N/A                              
Market Square N/A                             
Lotus Close N/A                             
Church Street N/A    Every 60 Mins   
Queen's Walk N/A           Untill          
Crossgates Drive N/A                             
Ladies Road N/A                             
Gedling Road N/A                             
Lambley Farm House N/A                             

Lambley To City, Broadmarsh

Lambley Farm House N/A                             
Lambley, Orchard Rise N/A                             
Lambley, Spring Lane N/A                             
Ladies Road N/A                             
Crossgates Drive N/A   Every 60 Mins   
Queens Walk N/A           Untill          
Church Street N/A                             
Lotus Close N/A                             
Market Square N/A                             
City, Broadmarsh Bus Station N/A                             

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1