8 - Somerset Airport - Higher Bathwick

A bus service operated by STBW

Somerset Airport To Higher Bathwick

Somerset Airport (Stand D) 05:00                               23:40
Somerset Airport/Long Stay 1+2 05:02                              23:42
Broadfield/Scrap Yard 05:03                              23:43
Aviation Quay/High Street 05:05                              23:45
Aviation Quay 05:06                              23:46
Aviation Quay/BP Garage 05:07                              23:47
Pendlebury/Hone Coaches 05:08                              23:48
Pendlebury Tram Stop 05:09                              23:49
Pendlebury/Main Street 05:10                              23:50
Pendlebury Shops 05:11    Every 20 Mins    23:51
Bath High Street Tram Stop 05:12           Untill           23:52
Bath High Street 05:13                              23:53
Bath Spa Station (Stand C) 05:14                              23:54
Bath Spa/Honeriott Hotel 05:15                              23:55
Lower Bathwick/Hone Express 05:17                              23:57
Lower Bathwick/Bathwick Hill 05:18                              23:58
Bathwick Hill 05:19                              23:59
Higher Bathwick/Bathwick Hill 05:20                              00:00
Higher Bathwick/University Gates 05:21                              00:01
Higher Bathwick/Precinct 05:22                              00:02

Higher Bathwick To Somerset Airport

Higher Bathwick/Precinct 05:10                              23:50
Higher Bathwick/University Gates 05:11                              23:51
Higher Bathwick/Bathwick Hill 05:12                              23:52
Bathwick Hill 05:13                              23:53
Lower Bathwick/Bathwick Hill 05:14                              23:54
Lower Bathwick/Hone Express 05:15                              23:55
Bath Spa/Honeriott Hotel 05:17                              23:57
Bath Spa Station (Stand B) 05:18                              23:58
Bath High Street 05:19                              23:59
Pendlebury Shops 05:21   Every 20 Mins    00:01
Pendlebury/Main Street 05:22           Untill           00:02
Pendlebury Tram Stop 05:23                              00:03
Pendlebury/Hone Coaches 05:24                              00:04
Aviation Quay/BP Garage 05:25                              00:05
Aviation Quay 05:26                              00:06
Broadfield Bus Station (Stand F) 05:28                              00:08
Broadfield Scrap Yard 05:29                              00:09
Somerset Airport/Long Stay 1+2 05:30                              00:10
Somerset Airport (Stand D) 05:32                              00:12

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1