3 - Clifton Nobel Road - City

A bus service operated by Southwell rovers

Clifton Nobel Road To City

Nobel Road 07:30                              
The Dip 07:30                             
Foxfield Way 07:30                             
Clifton Interchange 07:33                             
Ruddington County Hall 07:34                             
The Green                             
Ruddington Village Campsite    Every 30 Mins   
Ruddington Village Approach 07:37           Untill          
Hail and Ride                             
Wrigley Park 07:42                             
Southwell Road 07:43                             
Church Street 07:43                             
Lotus Close 07:43                             
Market Square 07:44                             
Canal Street 07:44                             

City To Clifton Nobel Road

Canal Street 07:00                             
Market Square 07:00                             
Lotus Close 07:00                             
Church Street 07:01                             
Southwell Road 07:01                             
Wrigley Park 07:02                             
Hail and ride N/A                             
Ruddington Village Approach 07:37   Every 30 Mins   
Ruddington Village Campsite 07:38           Untill          
Ruddington, The Clayton School 07:39                             
The Green 07:41                             
Ruddington County Hall 07:43                             
Clifton Interchange 07:43                             
Foxfield Way 07:44                             
The Dip 07:45                             
Nobel Road                             

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1