P&R - Maidstone Hospital - London Road Park & Ride

A bus service operated by Maidstone And District Park and Ride

London Road Park & Ride To Maidstone Hospital

Allington, adj London Road Park and Ride 06:40                              09:40 10:10                              14:30 14:50                              18:50 19:15 19:35 19:58 20:23 20:45 21:05
Aylesford Coldharbour Roundabout (W-bound) 06:43                              09:43 10:12                              14:32 14:53                              18:53 19:17 19:37 20:00 20:25 20:47 21:07
Aylesford Hermitage Lane (S-bound) 06:44   Every 10 Mins    09:44 10:13   Every 20 Mins    14:33 14:54   Every 30 Mins    18:54 19:18 19:38 20:01 20:26 20:48 21:08
Barming, opp Whitepost Wood Lane 06:45           Untill           09:45 10:14           Untill           14:34 14:55           Untill           18:55 19:19 19:39 20:02 20:27 20:49 21:09
Barming, adj Railway Station 06:46                              09:46 10:14                              14:34 14:56                              18:56 19:19 19:39 20:02 20:27 20:49 21:09
Barming, opp Hermitage Farm 06:48                              09:48 10:16                              14:36 14:58                              18:58 19:21 19:41 20:04 20:29 20:51 21:11
Barming Heath, o/s Maidstone Hospital 06:50                              09:50 10:17                              14:37 15:00                              19:00 19:22 19:42 20:05 20:30 20:52 21:12

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1