X29 - Newcastle - Ashington

A bus service operated by Scotbus

Newcastle To Ashington

Newcastle upon Tyne Haymarket Bus Station (U) N/A                              
Gosforth N/A                             
Cramlington N/A    Every 15 Mins   
Bedlington N/A           Untill          
Stakeford N/A                             
Ashington N/A                             
Wansbeck General Hospital N/A                             

Ashington To Newcastle

Wansbeck General Hospital N/A                             
Ashington N/A                             
Stakeford N/A   Every 15 Mins   
Bedlington N/A           Untill          
Cramlington N/A                             
Gosforth N/A                             
Newcastle upon Tyne Haymarket Bus Station (U) N/A                             

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1