327 - Elsinge Estate - Waltham Cross

A bus service operated by Generic Bus Company

Elsinge Estate To Waltham Cross

H&R - Elsinge Estate N/A                              
H&R - Turkey Street Station N/A                             
Totteridge Road N/A    Every 40 Mins   
Oakhurst Road N/A           Untill          
Mandeville Road N/A                             
Arlington Crescent N/A                             
Waltham Cross Bus Station N/A                             

Waltham Cross To Elsinge Estate

Waltham Cross Bus Station N/A                             
Arlington Crescent Inval Inval
Bullsmoor Lane/ Hertford Road Inval Inval
Langdale Gardens Inval Inval
Lea Valley High School Inval Inval
H&R - Elsinge Estate Inval Inval

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1