X4 - Glasgow Buchanan bus station - Airdrie

A bus service operated by Arriva Scotland

Glasgow Buchanan bus station To Airdrie

Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station (Stance 22) N/A                              
Easterhouse, The Fort (Stance 1) N/A    Every 15 Mins   
Coatbridge, at Whifflet Station N/A           Untill          
Airdrie opp Station N/A                             
Airdrie at Morrisons N/A                             

Airdrie To Glasgow Buchanan bus station

Airdrie opp Morrisons N/A                             
Airdrie at station N/A   Every 15 Mins   
Coatbridge opp Whifflet Station N/A           Untill          
Easterhouse, The Fort (Stance 1) N/A                             
Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station (Stance 22) N/A                             

MyBusTimes: V4.15.2