B - Gravesend - Dartford

A bus service operated by SmartRoute South East

Gravesend To Dartford

Gravesend Garrick Street (Stop B)                              
Gravesend Overcliffe (Stop Y)                             
Gravesend, adj Lennox Road                             
Northfleet Thames Way (SW-bound)                             
Northfleet, opp Rosherville Way                             
Perry Street, adj North Kent Police Station                             
Northfleet, opp Springhead Enterprise Park                             
Springhead Park, adj Bonham Way                             
Springhead Park, adj Eastgate Community Centre                             
Ebbsfleet International Railway Station (Stop A)                             
Bluewater Bus Station (Stop 2)    Every 12 Mins   
Dartford Darent Valley Hospital (W-bound)                             
Dartford Patterdale Road (W-bound)                             
Lunedale Dovedale Road (W-bound)                             
Dartford, adj Princes Avenue                             
Dartford Princes Park (W-bound)                             
Dartford Brooklands Lakes (W-bound)                             
Dartford Brent Lane (N-bound)                             
Dartford Royal Victoria Mill (NW-bound)                             
Dartford Home Gardens (Stop X)                             

Dartford To Gravesend

Dartford Home Gardens (Stop FB)                             
Dartford Hanau Bridge (Stop Y)                             
Dartford Brent Lane (S-bound)                             
Dartford Brooklands Lakes (E-bound)                             
Dartford Princes Park (E-bound)                             
Dartford, opp Princes Avenue                             
Lunedale Dovedale Road (E-bound)                             
Dartford, opp Patterdale Road                             
Dartford Darent Valley Hospital (E-bound)                             
Bluewater Bus Station (Stop 3)   Every 12 Mins   
Ebbsfleet International Railway Station (Stop B)                             
Springhead Park, opp Eastgate Community Centre                             
Springhead Park, opp Bonham Way                             
Northfleet, adj Springhead Enterprise Park                             
Perry Street, opp North Kent Police Station                             
Northfleet, adj Rosherville Way                             
Northfleet Thames Way (NE-bound)                             
Gravesend, opp Lennox Road                             
Gravesend Garrick Street (Stop A)                             

MyBusTimes: V5.2.2