12X - Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K) - University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)

Vehicle Trip To
1448583 University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)
1448634 Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)
1448585 Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)
1448635 University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)
1448645 University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)
1448650 Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)
1448646 Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)
1448647 University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)
1448757 University of Warwick University Interchange (Stop UW4)
1448758 Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1