18A - Nottingham - Wollaton

A bus service operated by The East Midlands Company

Nottingham To Wollaton

Wollaton Hollinwell Avenue (Stop WO52) 08:30                               17:30
Wollaton Courtney Close 08:34                              17:34
Wollaton Admiral Rodney (Stop WO06) 08:38                              17:38
Wollaton Bramcote Lane Shops (Stop WO67) 08:42                              17:42
Bramcote Hills, adj Sandringham Drive 08:46                              17:46
Beeston, opp Brook Road 08:50    Every 60 Mins    17:50
Beeston, opp Wilkinson Avenue 08:54           Untill           17:54
Beeston Bus & Tram Interchange (Bay 5) 08:00                              18:00
Beeston Rylands, opp Shops 09:02                              18:02
Beeston Rylands Lilac Grove (NE-bound) 09:06                              18:06
Dunkirk Lace Street (Stop UN05) 09:10                              18:10
Queens Medical Centre QMC Main Entrance (Stop QM02) 09:15                              18:15
Nottingham Beastmarket Hill (Stop B1) 09:26                              18:26

Wollaton To Nottingham

Nottingham Beastmarket Hill (Stop B1) 07:30                              16:30
Queens Medical Centre QMC Main Entrance (Stop QM04) 07:38                              16:38
Dunkirk Lace Street (Stop UN06) 07:40                              16:40
Beeston Rylands Lilac Grove (SW-bound) 07:46                              16:46
Beeston Rylands, adj Shops 07:51                              16:51
Beeston Bus & Tram Interchange (Bay 2) 08:00   Every 60 Mins    17:00
Beeston, o/s Lidl 08:05           Untill           17:05
Beeston Dennis Avenue (E-bound) 08:08                              17:08
Beeston Brook Road (NE-bound) 08:09                              17:09
Bramcote Hills, opp Sandringham Drive 08:15                              17:15
Wollaton Bramcote Lane Shops (Stop WO76) 08:20                              17:20
Wollaton Admiral Rodney (Stop WO19) 08:22                              17:22
Wollaton Hollinwell Avenue (Stop WO52) 08:25                              17:25

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1