Route 3 - Worthing - Midhurst

A bus service operated by Congib travel

Worthing To Midhurst

Worthing South Street (Stop J) N/A
Worthing, o/s Town Hall
Worthing, opp Lennox Road
Worthing Broadwater Bridge (N-bound)
Worthing, opp Cecilian Avenue
Broadwater, opp Manor Sports Ground
Broadwater, opp Church
Broadwater, opp Cricketers Parade
Broadwater Poulters Lane (W-bound)
Tarring, opp Shirley Drive
Offington, adj Rogate Road
Offington, adj Ashacre Lane
Offington, adj The Plantation
Offington, adj Durrington Cemetery
Findon Valley, opp Mayfield Close
Findon Valley, opp Allendale Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Hillview Rise
Findon Valley, opp Cissbury Avenue
Findon Valley, opp Central Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Downside Avenue
Findon Valley, opp May Tree Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Bost Hill
Findon, opp Nepcote Corner
Findon, adj The Black Horse
Findon, opp Doctors Surgery
Findon, adj The Gun Inn
Findon, adj Homewood
Washington Bostal (N-bound)
Washington, adj Stocks Mead
Washington, adj Recreation Ground
Sullington, opp Washington Cottages
Sullington, opp East Clayton Farm
Sullington, opp Hampers Lane
Storrington, nr Sullington Lane
Storrington Water Lane (N-bound)
Storrington, before Thakeham Road
Storrington, opp Sullington Copse
Storrington, opp Mead Lane
Storrington, adj Nightingale Lane
Storrington Fryern Road (NW-bound)
Storrington, opp Old Mill Drive
Storrington Bus Station (Stop A)
Storrington, adj The Old Mill
Storrington, opp Lime Chase
Storrington, opp Meton Drive
Storrington, opp Dyke Cottage
West Chiltington Common, opp Roundabout Farm
West Chiltington Common, adj Spinney Lane
West Chiltington Common, adj Wyndham Lea
West Chiltington Common, opp Crossways
West Chiltington Common The Birches (N-bound)
West Chiltington Common The Common (W-bound)
West Chiltington Common, opp Little Hill
West Chiltington Common, opp New Barn Lane
West Chiltington Common Harborough Hill (W-bound)
Nutbourne Common Heath Mill (N-bound)
Nutbourne Common, opp Tudor House
Marehill, opp The White Horse
Pulborough, opp Sailes Cottage
Pulborough, adj Rivermead
Pulborough, adj Oddfellows Arms
Pulborough, adj Skeyne Drive
Pulborough, adj Arun Court
Pulborough, opp Church Hill
Pulborough, opp Railway Station
Stopham Bridge (W-bound)
Stopham, opp Church Lane
Fittleworth Fleet Corner (NW-bound)
Fittleworth, adj School Lane
Fittleworth Upper Street (W-bound)
Fittleworth Hesworth Common (NW-bound)
Egdean House (adj)
Low Heath, adj The Welldiggers Arms
Petworth, adj Byworth Road
Petworth Angel Street (W-bound)
Petworth, adj Sheepdown Drive
Petworth Market Square (W-bound)
Petworth, adj Youth Club
Tillington, opp Upperton Road
Tillington, opp The Harrows
Tillington Little Common (W-bound)
Lodsworth Halfway Bridge (W-bound)
South Ambersham, adj Moorland Farm
South Ambersham, opp Cradlehurst Copse
Easebourne, opp Benbow Pond
Easebourne, opp Resevoir
Easebourne, opp Golf Course
Easebourne, adj Church
Easebourne Lane (SW-bound)
Midhurst Bus Station (Stand B)

Midhurst To Worthing

Midhurst Bus Station (Bay B)
Midhurst, adj Rother College
Easebourne Lane (NE-bound)
Easebourne, opp Church
Easebourne, adj Golf Course
Easebourne, adj Resevoir
Easebourne, opp Moor Farm
Easebourne, adj Benbow Pond
Petworth Market Square (W-bound)
South Ambersham, adj Cradlehurst Copse
South Ambersham, opp Moorland Farm
Lodsworth Halfway Bridge (E-bound)
Tillington Little Common (E-bound)
Tillington, adj The Harrows
Tillington, adj Upperton Road
Petworth, opp Youth Club
Petworth, o/s Church
Petworth, opp Sheepdown Drive
Petworth Market Square (W-bound)
Petworth Angel Street (E-bound)
Petworth, opp Byworth Road
Low Heath, opp The Welldiggers Arms
Egdean House (opp)
Fittleworth Hesworth Common (SE-bound)
Fittleworth, opp School Lane
Fittleworth Fleet Corner (SE-bound)
Stopham, adj Church Lane
Stopham Bridge (E-bound)
Pulborough, adj Railway Station
Pulborough, adj Church Hill
Pulborough, opp Arun Court
Pulborough, opp Skeyne Drive
Pulborough, opp Oddfellows Arms
Pulborough, opp Rivermead
Pulborough, adj Sailes Cottage
Marehill, adj The White Horse
Nutbourne Common, adj Tudor House
Nutbourne Common Heath Mill (S-bound)
West Chiltington Common Harborough Hill (E-bound)
West Chiltington Common, asj New Barn Lane
West Chiltington Common, adj Little Hill
West Chiltington Common The Common (E-bound)
West Chiltington Common The Birches (S-bound)
West Chiltington Common, adj The Crossways
West Chiltington Common, opp Wyndham Lea
West Chiltington Common, opp Spinney Lane
West Chiltington Common, adj Roundabout Farm
Storrington, adj Dyke Cottage
Storrington, adj Melton Drive
Storrington, adj Lime Chase
Storrington, opp Old Mill Drive
Storrington Bus Station (Stop B)
Storrington, opp Nightingale Lane
Storrington, adj Mead Lane
Storrington, adj Sullington Copse
Storrington, after Thankeham Road
Storrington Water Lane (S-bound)
Storrington, opp Sullington Lane
Sullington, opp Barns Farm Lane
Sullington, adj Hampers Lane
Sullington, adj East Clayton Farm
Sullington, adj Washington Cottages
Washington, opp Recreation Ground
Washington, opp Stocks Mead
Washington Bostal (S-bound)
Findon, opp Homewood
Findon, opp The Gun Inn
Findon, opp The Black Horse
Findon, adj The Black Horse
Findon, opp Doctors Surgery
Findon, adj The Gun Inn
Findon, adj Homewood
Findon Place (opp)
Findon, adj Nepcote Corner
Findon Valley, adj May Tree Avenue
Findon Valley, opp Downside Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Central Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Cissbury Avenue
Findon Valley, opp Hillview Rise
Findon Valley, adj Allendale Avenue
Findon Valley, adj Mayfield Close
Offington, opp Durrington Cemetery
Offington Corner (SE-bound)
Offington, opp The Plantation
Offington, opp Ashacre Lane
Offington, opp Rogate Road
Tarring The Thomas A Becket (E-bound)
Tarring, adj Shurley Drive
Broadwater Poulters Lane (E-bound)
Broadwater, adj Cricketers Parade
Broadwater, adj Church
Broadwater, adj Manor Sports Ground
Worthing, adj Cecilian Avenue
Worthing Broadwater Bridge (S-bound)
Worthing, adj Lennox Road
Worthing, opp Town Hall
Worthing South Street (Stop K)

MyBusTimes: V4.14.1